
Out and Proud in Regional NSW

We’re incredibly excited to feature an article from Nicholas Steepe; another one of our wonderful panelists that will be at our upcoming World Pride event; Bambuddha Group presents LGBTIAQ+ – Ask anything...


Nicholas Steepe World Pride













I believe in the power of mutual, respectful discussions facilitated in a safe, open and inclusive environment. 


I was born in Coonabarabran, moving to Dubbo when I was 10 years old, where I lived until the start of 2018 when I packed up my bags and headed off to Bathurst. At the start of 2020, I moved in with my partner in Junee.

During high school, I did not plan on staying in a regional area, I had big plans to move to Sydney – that’s where Oxford Street was, that’s where Mardi Gras was, and that’s where I felt I would find acceptance for who I was. However, due to circumstances out of my control (and upon reflection, for the better), I was not able to fulfil this dream. Instead, I learnt something very important that has been the foundation of my advocacy and my professional life;

You do not need to leave home to be you – that has been the tragedy of regional Australia, but no longer.

Growing up LGBTIQA+ in a regional town is not easy, where stereotypes are rarely challenged, and support can appear scarce. Even scarcer is the visibility of out and proud role models living their authentic lives. However, acceptance is out there, it exists, because this support has touched and shaped me as much as I have touched and shaped it. I found support in the amazing trailblazers that I now call my friends and I like to believe that some have found it in me.

Change may happen slower in regional towns, but it is happening, and we need to erode this fear that regional Australia is not accepting. Through people staying in regional areas and being out, proud and visible, and through regional Pride events such as Wagga Wagga Mardi Gras and Rainbow on the Plains – Hay, these spaces are constantly becoming more inclusive.

This change comes about through exposure and conversations, and I am proud to be a part of that change. I want to send a positive message that everyone has a right to feel safe and be comfortable with who they are, regardless of their postcode. As an out and proud member of the rainbow community, I have had the opportunity to help shift perceptions and attitudes by living authentically. By being approachable and inviting, I actively welcome questions and participate in conversations, in the local supermarket, in businesses, and in organisations where I actively champion equity, diversity and inclusion for all.

The countless, heartfelt conversations I have had inspire and motivate me, as it reminds me that people can change, if only they are given the opportunity and space to learn and grow. I’m looking forward to being involved in another come February 16th at The Working Kind Collective in Stanmore.


If you want to hear more from Nicholas, join us on Thursday 16th February for our event in homage of World Pride.

This event will include a panel and a safe, informative space for people to ask anything they want to, with the opportunity to learn more about the LGBTIQA+ and for those that care about allyship.

Ask any questions in advance to our amazing panel who are willing to answer anything. No topic is off the cards and everyone is welcome.

Come along for a night of thought provoking discussion, performances, food, drinks and networking. And by buying a ticket, you’ll be supporting our LGBTQIA+ friends living in Block 13, Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya.




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