Uluru Statement from the Heart

At Bambuddha Group, we are dedicated to social responsibility. Our goal is to promote equity and opportunity for all by emphasizing compassionate leadership. We have partnered with Winangar Guru, an Indigenous Australian consultancy, to show our support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart. This includes advocating for constitutional recognition of a First Nations Voice.

As an organisation that values diversity, equity, and inclusion, we wholeheartedly support the Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Yes Campaign. Our leadership is driven by kindness and a recognition of the vital role that Indigenous Australians play as the First People of this country. We are committed to enabling and empowering Indigenous communities to have a meaningful say in decisions that impact them through the Voice.


Learn more about the voice


A First Nations Voice to Parliament protected by the Constitution is a key element of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

  1. After detailed consultation with the Referendum Working Group, Prime Minister Albanese announced the proposed referendum question on 23 March 2023.
  2. The Bill which will trigger a referendum is the Constitution Alteration (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice)  was tabled in federal parliament on On 31 May 2023.
  3. The Bill passed the House of Representatives and passed the Senate on 19 June 2023 after many hours of debate in both chambers, including an extended sitting of the Senate until 4am.
  4. The referendum (YES/NO VOTE) prepared by the National Indigenous Australians Agency and conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission, will be held sometime between October and December 2023.

The referendum question contained in the Bill is:

“A Proposed Law: to alter the Constitution to recognise the First Peoples of Australia by establishing an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice”.

A Voice to Parliament will give Indigenous communities a route to help inform policy and legal decisions that impact their lives. Giving people a say will lead to more effective results.

Embedding a Voice in the Constitution would recognise the special place of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia’s history, but importantly would also mean that it can’t be shut down by successive Governments.

This is important because Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and bodies have called for voice for close to 100 years.

Read more and get involved here.


Bambuddha programs and partnerships


Through our Environmental, Social & Governance( ESG) Impact advisory services, we continue to encourage leaders and organisations to work toward authentic reconciliation outcomes. Bambuddha Group is committed to supporting the health and well-being of Country by valuing, respecting, seeing, hearing, learning, and applying First Nations knowledge to guild us as we care for Country as it cares for us.

Our partners from Winangar Guru work closely with us to provide advice and ongoing support to leaders and organisations committed to building cultural capability, true community engagement, employment, and pathways to Indigenous business and supplier opportunities.

Ongoing program development

Bambuddha is committed to encouraging and seeking out opportunities for First Nations people and businesses and supporting the outcomes that advance their chosen aspirations.

Training and event space

The Working Kind Collective based in the inner west of Sydney is home to various training spaces which continue to host community events, training, and creative projects. The space was built with the purpose of being a safe and inclusive space to amplify under-represented voices. The space was opened in 2022 with an acknowledgment to country by Aunty Norma Ingham a proud Wiradjuri Elder.





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