
Championing gender equality with landmark women’s strategy

We are championing the NSW Women’s Strategy, actions that align with Bambuddha’s vision and SDG’s.

Nationals Minister for Women Bronnie Taylor said the Strategy builds on the progress achieved over the last four years through the NSW Women’s Strategy 2018-2022.

“The NSW Government is championing women and girls by making it easier for women to enter, stay and return to work through a $16.5 billion investment in the NSW Budget 2022-23,” Mrs Taylor said.

“2022 is the Year of the Woman. Now is the time to build on this momentum and drive future opportunities for women and girls in NSW. Through this Strategy – I want to empower young girls to become astrophysicists, lead our tech companies, become sporting superstars and excel in whatever field they choose.”








What is the NSW Women’s Strategy 2023–2026?

The NSW Women’s Strategy (the Strategy) provides a whole-of-government and whole-of-community
policy framework to help improve the economic, social and physical wellbeing of women and girls
across NSW.

The Strategy complements and strengthens the NSW Government’s existing action in advancing
women’s economic opportunities and social equality, and ending violence against women and girls.
Key commitments in these areas are set out in the Women’s Opportunity Statement, the draft NSW
Domestic and Family Violence Plan 2022–2027, the draft NSW Sexual Violence Plan 2022–2027,
and the NSW Homelessness Strategy 2018–2023.

The Strategy will embed a commitment to pursuing gender equality across government, recognising the
importance of challenging gendered norms, roles and expectations that can limit women’s opportunities.

The Strategy’s vision

All women and girls live and work in a safe and fair society where they are treated with respect and dignity. All women and girls have equitable access to services, resources, opportunities and protections that enable them to thrive.

The Strategy aims to improve outcomes for all women and girls; however, it has a particular focus on improving outcomes for those who experience greater disadvantage and/or discrimination.

These focus communities include:

• Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
women and girls
• carers
• girls and young women living in, or who have
lived in, out-of-home care
• lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex, queer
and/or asexual (LGBTIQA+) women and girls
• older women
• women and girls experiencing socioeconomic
• women and girls facing homelessness
• women and girls from culturally and
linguistically diverse communities
• women and girls in contact with the criminal
justice system
• women and girls living in regional, rural,
remote and cross-border areas
• women and girls with disability
• women and girls with a mental illness
• women and girls who have a history of, or are
currently experiencing, domestic, family or
sexual violence
• women veterans (and the women
partners of veterans and
service members)
• young women

The Strategy focuses on three key pillars for action.

  1. Economic opportunity and advancement
  2. Health and Wellbeing
  3. Participation and Empowerment

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