Pedestrian.tv Presents: Selfish Sessions
Wednesday February 24th, 2021
12:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Book Here
NOTE: The lovely people at Pedestrian have kindly offered discount codes for this event to Bambuddha members.
Please email [email protected] for access!
We survived 2020 with a little bit of TLC. But now it’s 2021, and it’s time to tend to yourself – because good things come to those who work.
Our virtual Q&A Selfish Sessions invites you to submit questions to some of the leading experts in sex, inclusivity, mental health, career and more. We’re helping you morph self-care into self-practice.
For just $20, you’ll not only bask in the wisdom of some of the world’s sharpest minds over three jam-packed days, but you’ll also be in the running to win $100 in sweet, sweet loot, like self-care packs and sex toys. Love thyself, that’s what we always say.
Join PEDESTRIAN.TV’s virtual self-love fest from February 24 to 26, 2021.
Please note – this a third party event we are recommending and not hosted by Bambuddha.